Thursday, August 20, 2015

Advance for Health Information Professionals (HIM)

Advance Healthcare Network for Health Information Professionals

This Website is extensive, filled with excellent resources and information that can benefit any health information professional. I found it quite easy to create an account and sign up for the free eNewsletter. This site is a great career resource, and it is updated daily. You can post comments, find news bulletins, blogs, and free Webinars.

There is many tabs to links including resources, blogs, columns, education, Webinars, salaries. As well as a ICD-10 tab with much content on ICD-10. At the top of the page they have tabs for professions, jobs, shopping, custom promotions, career events and more.

I really liked the shop tab. It had everything, equipment, accessories, lab coats, scrubs, shoes, and much more.

The career event tab was especially useful with information on conferences, and job fairs both online and in person.

This site contains a high number of informative articles including a wonderful article on steps to prepare for exams. This article has general preparation tips and suggestions. It is set up in a step by step format with recommended study materials with links to find them. Steps, links, and information which could lead you to a successful exam.

I highly recommend checking out this site:

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