Thursday, October 1, 2015

Office and Insurance Collection Strategies

Common Collection Methods:
  • Be diligent in the insurance claim process
  • Collect payment at time of service
  • Monthly statements
  • Telephone calls
  • Past due / 10 day notice
  • Collection agencies
  • Small claims court - as a last resort!
Internet Resources for Office and Insurance Collection Strategies

American Medical Billing Association - AMBA Sponsors a certification examination for Certified Medical Reimbursement Specialist (CMRS).
Appeal Solutions Appeal software company.
Bankruptcy Information site from the American Bar Association.
Fair Credit Report Laws Includes information on FACTA - the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act.
Fair Credit Reporting Act Information and additional links from the Federal Trade Commission, Fair Credit Reporting Act complete text.
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act Information and additional links from the Federal Trade Commission.
Nolo Commercial provider of legal information for consumers and small businesses.
Prompt Pay Statutes by State A downloadable document with information on specific states. One of several tools available online from Karen Zupko & Associates, Inc.
Small Claims "How to file in small claims court with free court forms and in-depth information about garnishment and judgment collection actions!" From Rich's Enterprises, L.L.C.
Uniform Commercial Code Locator Site from the Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School.
Family Practice Management From the American Academy of Family Physicians. While this is a medical title, it contains many useful items related to professional office practices.
Medical Economics Open-access online, includes information on collections.
Resources for Locating People
Anywho Skip tracing resources, Anywho Reverse Directory.
Bigfoot Site includes a PeopleSearch option.
InfoSpace Skip tracing resources.
InfoUSA Skip tracing resources.
Search Bug Skip tracing resources. Skip tracing resources.
WhoWhere? Skip tracing resources from Lycos.
Yahoo People Search Skip tracing resources.

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