Wednesday, October 28, 2015


  • TRICARE is a three-option managed health care program offered to spouses and dependents of service personnel with uniform benefits and fees implemented nationwide by the federal government. It also covers retirees, reservists on active duty after 30 days, widows, and widowers.
  • Verify beneficiary eligibility on an electronic database called (DEERS) Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System.
  • The TRICARE fiscal year begins October 1 and ends September 30.
  • There are certain referral and preauthorization requirements for TRICARE patients.
  • Bill using CMS-1500 claim form.
  • Electronic billing uses ASC X12 version 5010.
  • Always make a photo copy of the front and back of the patients Military I.D., and TRICARE enrollment card.
  • Verify current address at every visit. Patients on TRICARE tend to move frequently.
  • The TRICARE handbook is available on the Website
Find TRICARE Costs on the TRICARE Website.

*find links to TRICARE resources on The Internet Resource tab

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